Author's methods of research of every aspect of human life - from finite experience to infinite perceptions of perfection and eternity.
If you are looking for a therapeutic approach that engages you and encourages you to explore and reflect on your personal history, your lifestyle and your personal philosophy of life, WELCOME
Maryna Khaliman

Psychological School of Growth Mindset


books read
years in science and business
All the answers are already inside of you
My job is to help you discover them and build new skills...
We get the life we deserve. And if you think that you are undervalued at work and continue to work there, then it is not a problem of universal injustice, but yours personally.

The world is changing every second. Every day new millionaires appear and mega-corporations are created. The volume of information exceeds the ability of the human brain to process it dozens of times. Science is moving forward at the speed of a supersonic airplane. What is the pinnacle of progress today will be hopelessly outdated tomorrow. The problem for most people is that, having adapted to the accelerating rhythm of the world, people do not change internally. Most people still believe that modesty adorns a person.

Yes, with a modest person is more pleasant to communicate: he does not make you feel in comparison with him inferior. It is much more pleasant to keep silent about one's virtues, so that God forbid not to find out that your neighbor has even greater talents. This is how people live: gray, unsightly and inconspicuous, full of unrealized ambitions and hidden resentments. And only the most courageous people, who want to understand themselves, to know their authentic nature, to discover their potential, to gain strength of spirit and find support in themselves, seek their teachers. This has been the case in my life. I have multiplied everything my teachers have given me with my own life experience and I share it with you. The School of Growth Mindset “Worldview” is a contribution to the society of people who want to improve their personality and create the best conditions for their future and the future of their family.
the Growth Mindset School of Thinking, you'll find answers to questions such as:


















What does it mean to be alive?

What opportunities does life offer me?

What is my relationship with myself, with others and with the world?

How does it feel to choose my own way of life?

What do I value and cherish most?

What is the nature of the anxiety I experience in my life?

What assumptions and attributions underlie my thoughts and actions?

What contradictions, inconsistencies, and paradoxes are encountered in my daily life?

What is my worldview as I construct my life story?

What is my true potential?
[ For whom ]
uthor's webinars
Each webinar gives you the opportunity to get basic knowledge in the direction of the questions you ask yourself before meeting with a psychologist/psychotherapist.

It is enough to choose a topic that concerns you and listen to the lecture. On live webinars you can ask questions and get useful answers. If you watch the recording, all the material stays with you.

Webinars are based solely on scientific data, research, but are presented in simple language. The chosen webinar will help you before the consultation to get knowledge, which, as a rule, do not share in sessions psychologists, but in my opinion, are an important component for a deep understanding of the problem and enrich a person in the field of exciting issues, save your time and money, and most importantly this knowledge remains with you forever for you and your future generations.
Your destiny is a choice! Learn how to control your life path!
Did you know that a person's choices determine their destiny? The webinar ‘Destiny Analysis’ based on Leopold Sondhi's system will reveal to you the secrets of the ancestral unconscious and teach you how to consciously manage your life scenarios.
«Fate analysis»
Online link will be sent after registration
In the recording
Informative lecture
There are times in everyone's life when we encounter setbacks and disappointments. But what if these situations are just part of a larger plan of destiny? I invite you to join a webinar where we will discuss how perceptions of fate can shape our attitudes toward life's challenges.
Webinar «Freedom from fear and anxiety : how to overcome limitations and live life to the fullest»
Online link will be sent after registration
May 21, 2025 from 18:00-20:00 London time
Practical techniques
I invite you to an inspiring webinar that will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your internal barriers. The topic of complex can be complex, but it is through their awareness and acceptance that we can open the doors to the success of self-actualization and improve the quality of life.
Webinar «Getting to Know Your Complexes: The Key to Success»
Online link will be sent after registration
May 7, 2025 from 18:00-20:00 London time
Practical techniques
A unique webinar dedicated to the topic of life resilience. In the face of modern challenges and changes, it is important to be able to adapt, maintain inner calmness and move towards your goals.
Webinar «Life Resilience: How to cope with challenges and achieve goals»
Online link will be sent after registration
April 30, 2025 from 18:00-20:00 London timeframe
Practical tools
We live in a world full of various challenges and stressful situations, and the ability to manage our emotions becomes an integral part of a successful and harmonious life.
Webinar «Managing Emotions: How to Develop Emotional Intelligence and Improve Quality of Life»
Format: Online (all classes will be available as recordings)
April 9, 2025 from 18:00-20:00 London time
Informative lecture
There are times in everyone's life when we encounter setbacks and disappointments. But what if these situations are just part of a larger plan of destiny? I invite you to join a webinar where we will discuss how perceptions of fate can shape our attitudes toward life's challenges.
«Then it's not fate»
Online link will be sent after registration
April 2, 2025 from 18:00-20:00 London time
Dive into the depths of relationships!
Why does love end but life goes on?
Love is one of the most important feelings that shapes our experiences, influences decisions and gives life meaning. But why do so many people make the same relationship mistakes over and over again?
«Life is longer than love»
Online link will be sent after registration
In the recording
Looking for the answer to the ultimate question?
Invitation to the webinar ‘Midlife Crisis. Who Am I Without a Mask?’There comes a point when we ask ourselves, ‘What if I'm not really living fully?’ - we are faced with life's most important milestone. What if what we've achieved - career, relationships, financial stability - isn't delivering what we're really looking for? Isn't that a sign that it's time to make a change?
«Mid-life crisis. Who am I without my mask?»
Online link will be sent after registration
March 19, 2025 from 18:00-20:00 London time
Open the doors to your future!
Techniques and methods of self-knowledge
Each woman has a unique power and potential that can change not only her life, but also the lives of those around her.A woman receives her power only from the society of women, and gives it to children and men. The course is designed to help you discover your inner resources, gain confidence and learn how to use your power to achieve greater goals.
Offsite Course «The great power of women»
Price: $590
20-22 June 2025 Paris Duration: 3 days
In-depth Analysis
A self-development course that combines philosophical reflections and psychological practices to find your way in life.
The course will help you to understand yourself more deeply, discover your potential and learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.
Course «Journey
to oneself»
Format: Online (all classes will be available on tape)
26 March 2025 Duration 8 weeks
Exercises for analysis
How often do women who have children of all ages think about What kind of mum am I ? Being a mum brings joys as well as challenges and it is important to realise how valuable and unique we are in this role.
Course «Mum's Appraisal»
Address :King's Cross Rd, London WC1X 9DE
28 May 2025 from 18:00-20:00 London time
[ Everyone knows more about themselves than they realise ]
Appointment for counselling
You can make an appointment with me for a private consultation online. Duration 50 minutes
Daily from 10:00 to 21:00
Sunday - off
Tatiana Eliseeva
Technical support
Or message me on messengers and I will reply to you within a day
Maryna Khaliman - Doctor of Philosophy, MSc in Psychology, life/business coach, and researcher specializing in worldview confrontation.

She is a member of the Association of Existential Psychologists and Psychotherapists of Ukraine and the Association of Business Psychologists in Great Britain.

Her book, Confrontation of Worldviews as the Basis of Any Conflict, offers a comprehensive understanding of worldview confrontation as a critical element in studying societal dynamics and the reformatting of the modern world. It introduces a structural-analytical model of worldview confrontation as a form of contradiction-a clash of responses to fundamental questions about human existence, the social roles of communities, territorial the social roles of communities, territorial organization, state formations, and modes of social organization. This struggle often drives competition among social groups for the dominance of their worldview within the socio-cultural space.

Maryna Khaliman has significantly contributed to understanding the causes of worldview confrontation and potential ways to address it. The research presented in her book forms a methodological foundation for further exploration of socio-philosophical issues, including Ukraine's geopolitical positioning and strategies for resolving or mitigating worldview conflicts in contemporary society.

In Confrontation of Worldviews as the Basis of Any Conflict, Khaliman examines existing philosophical approaches to the concept of worldview confrontation. She develops theoretical and methodological frameworks for its analysis, defines its essence and attributes, classifies its forms of manifestation, and identifies key challenges related to worldview conflicts in both the global and Ukrainian contexts.
author's book
«confrontation of worldviews as the basis of any conflict»
eople's results
after contacting me
[ Reviews ]
- Destiny Analysis
- The mystery of pain
- Life is longer than love
- The meaning of life
- Ethics and morality
- Suffering and happiness
- Mum Appreciation Course
- Retreat Course: ‘The Great Power of Woman’
- Course ‘Journey to Yourself’
This is my Mission and contribution to the development of humanity
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